- Bariatric surgery
- Weight loss surgery - global preferences
- BEFORE and AFTER bariatric operation - practical guidelines
- After gastric bypass
- After adjustable gastric banding
- After other restrictive operations
- Preparation for bariatric operation
- The operation and days after
- General recommendations for rehabilitation period
- Grand questions after gastric banding
- Grand questions after gastric bypass
- Potential problems following all types of bariatric surgery
- Rules for a new life after bariatric operations
- Some groups of food products that could be eaten after the operation

Dr.Weight // BEFORE and AFTER bariatric operation - practical guidelines // Rules for a new life after bariatric operations
Rules for a new life after bariatric operations
Bariatric Surgery - DoctorWeight.com – 2008
Statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of modern bariatric operations as a means to prolonged weight reduction. Nonetheless, you can maximise its effect only by working on your body following your doctor’s recommendations.
The following simple rules will help you:
- Eat only small portions of food, several times a day (5-6 times is best).
- Eat food high in protein, such as eggs, fish, meat, poultry and legumes. Proteins facilitate the healing of your stomach tissues.
- Eat and drink separately. Do not use a straw for drinking as this can result in swallowing air, which can cause sharp discomfort.
- After gastric bypass it better to drink 10-15 minutes before eating. Simultaneous eating and drinking could provoke fast discharge of food from the small stomach into the intestine.
- After gastric banding it is better to drink before or 2 hours after eating. If a patient does both simultaneously, the food can easily go through the narrow bandage, thus eliminating the effect of satiety.
- Drink only low-calorie beverages. Sugar-containing beverages are not recommended, and sparkling beverages are not acceptable.
- Do not drink more than two cups of coffee and tea and other caffeine-containing beverages. Caffeine lessens vitamin and iron absorption.
- Do not drink alcohol to excess. Alcohol can not only damage the stomach mucosa but also prevent good weight reduction as it contains many calories.
- Avoid sugar in food and beverages.
- Use only sugar-free chewing-gum, and do not swallow it.
- Donating blood may cause anaemia.
- Take vitamins and mineral supplements every day in the specified dosage.
- Do no less than 30 minutes physical exercise every day. If you have problems with joints and back, the best form of physical exercise is swimming. As your weight goes away, you can gradually expand the range of activity.
Some people complain of altered taste for the first few months after surgery. This is normal and should not cause concern.
Medical supervision in the postoperative period (i.e., at least one annual examination) is highly recommended. We try to remain in contact with our patients as long as possible so if you change your telephone number, your address or your e-mail address, please remember to inform us.
During the first postoperative year we recommend seeing your doctor:
- 4 weeks after surgery;
- 2 months after surgery;
- 6 months after surgery;
- 12 months after surgery.
Remember, this is your health: you are the person with most to gain or lose. When you come, please bring you diary of weight and nutrition as it is highly important for us to know your results in weight-loss and your overall health.
Your diary of weight-loss and nutrition
To assist optimal diet choice, keep a diary of the following:
- when you eat and drink
- what you eat and drink
- how much you eat and drink
- the method of food cooking (raw, boiled, fried, grilled etc.), and use of butter and/or oil.
You can also record the drugs you take, and your sensations during and after eating. It is wise to keep the diary for the first year after surgery. As you get more experienced with you new body, it will cease to be a necessity.
The information provided by this diary will guide a doctor in treating potential nutrition problems.
Support groups after bariatric surgery
In the USA and in Canada the number of bariatric operations is now over 100,000 a year. Many bariatric surgery patients are so pleased with the results that they want to share their positive experience with other sufferers. These people join so-called support groups of new patients. No one is better qualified to discuss bariatric surgery than former patients.
Unfortunately, in many other countries such groups do not yet exist, or they are located in big cities and are not easily accessible for people from other locations.
We firmly believe that modern information technologies are an excellent substitute for such organisations, and the internet allows us and our patients to create a virtual support group
- After gastric bypass
- After adjustable gastric banding
- After other restrictive operations
- Preparation for bariatric operation
- The operation and days after
- General recommendations for rehabilitation period
- Grand questions after gastric banding
- Grand questions after gastric bypass
- Potential problems following all types of bariatric surgery
- Rules for a new life after bariatric operations
- Some groups of food products that could be eaten after the operation